Friday 17 May 2013

Home remedies for Cough

 Cough is one of the unwanted guest in every body's life.It causes some sort of disturbance to our day today activities.There will be irritation of throat,loss of sleep in association with cough.It is a comman problem for smokers,and some high sensitive person.All people must have experienced cough in their life time.

What is cough?

Cough is not a disease,it is the body's way of removing foreign particles from the lungs and upper air ways,is a symptom of many conditions like laryngitis,bronchitis,tuberculosis,etc.

Types of cough

There are two types of classification
(1)Productive cough
   Non productive cough
(2)Acute cough
Chronic cough
Productive cough-This type of cough produces mucus.Depending upon the condition colour of mucus will be different like white,yellow,brown etc
Non productive cough -In this there will not be any mucus production.cough will be dry.
Acute cough which has produced with in 3 weeks time.
Chronic cough-cough which lasts for more than 3 weeks time.

Causes of cough

  • External irritants such as smoke,dust,some time times swallowed particles irritating the air passage.
  • Allergy to some particular objects.
  • Some of the diseases like asthma,bronchitis,pneumonia,lung tumour or cancer of lung,tuberculosis etc
  • Viral infections like common cold may turn to cough.
  • Smoking or any other form of tobacco use causes lung damage and produces cough.

Remedies for cough

In case of Tuberculosis of lung, Pneumonia, Tumor/cancer of Resp. system Do take treatment from a Physician or Expert.
Cough is a symptom and not disease,so we have to manage or treat the causes.

  • Always take fresh foods ,avoid frozen foods.
  • Use plenty of water.
  • Clean up your body by doing fasting under the guidance of an expert in a Naturecure centre. Do take Hydrotherapy along with Fasting.
  • Do regular pranayama,yogasana,jalanethi, Vamana dhouthi  to improve body's resistance power to prevent infections.
  • Lemon tea with ginger during cough gives soothing effect to throat.Ginger supresses respiratory ailiments like cold, cough and with soothing effect it acts as antidote to cough.Lemon contains ascorbic acid ,it helps to neutralise the mucus of cough.
  • Honey is known for its healing properties.It does wonders mixed with lemon juice.That is 1 tsp of lemon juice mixesd with 2 tsp of honey and licked every 2 hourly.It helps to clear the throat and gives soothing effect to throat.
  • Inhaling steam,aids in releasing mucus in affected air passage and gives relief.
  • Herbal tea prepared with basal leaf,lemongrass leaf and ginger also helps in soothing the throat.
  • Turmeric milk is awonderful remedy for cold and cough.
  • Licking of the mixture-1 tsp ginger juice+1 tsp honey+1 tsp lemon juice+1/4 tsp of turmeric powder also gives good relief from cough.
  • Cook onion in  direct fire and eat cooked onion.This gives good result.

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