Saturday 21 September 2013

How to lose belly fat naturally

One saying '''longer the belt,shorter will be life span''.It clearly indicates that as fat starts depositing  in  your belly,it is time to work out,other wise danger ahead.With belly fat it looks miserable and brings many health problems with it.Usually when our  daily calorie intake is more than the calorie required for our body,it starts depositing in liver in the form of glycogen and then it turns to fat.Common reasons for belly fat are over eating,sedentary life style,lack of exercise.this may lead to many serious health problems like arthritis,heart diseases,diabetes etc.
There are two main steps to reduce belly fat.One is to reduce the number of calorie intake,and another is increase the number of calorie we burn through physical activity.

Step one:reduce the number of calorie intake

  • Drink 2-3 litres of water/day.Take 1-2 cups of water in early morning in empty stomach.
  • Drink one glass of honey water with lemon one hour before break fast.
  • Eat healthy.Take fresh fruits and vegetables,salads,fresh fruit juices.Always try to avoid junk food.These junk foods are high in fat,sodium and sugar.they does not contain any nutrients our body needs to stay healthy.this fat in the junk food starts accumulates in our body and you will get fat belly.
  • Eat less carbohydrates.They require for instant energy.If you take excess carbohydrate t will be converted in to fat and deposits in your belly.
  • Eat more protein diet.Body burns more energy processing proteins than it does processing fat and carbohydrates.
  • Stop taking alcohol.Alcohol drinkers especially beer takers always have belly fat.That gives stress to liver to clear the toxins.Instead of alcohol one can take herbal tea,green tea,fresh fruit juice,tender coconut water.
  • Take oil free food stuffs
  • To follow diet you can reffer diet-to-reduce-over-weight.

Step two:increase the number of calorie we burn through physical activity.

  1. To burn the excess calorie daily one hour brisk walk is good.
  2. Dosomeyogaposeslike Sooryanamaskar,Bhujangasana,Shalabhasana,Paschimothanasana,Janushirsasana  under the guidance of a yoga teacher.
  3. Do regular exercises like cycling,swimming,abdominal squats,sit ups and other exercises which are specially for to reduce belly fat.

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