Monday 10 February 2014

Sweet pumpkin(Sihigumbala/Cheenikai sippe) peel chutney

Sweet pumpkin is called as sihigumbala or Cheenikayi in Kannada.Latin name is Cucurbita pepo.This is used as anti rheumatic,demulcent and nervine.Traditionally it is used to treat kidney problems and intestinal worms.It is also used as good laxative and diuretic.It is also useful in treating of benign prostrate hyper plasia(BPH). External application of pulp helps to soften the dryness of skin.We can prepare sambar,palya,pudding by using this vegetable.But we are throwing the peel and inner portion(tirulu).With that one can prepare tasty tambuli and chutney.sihikumbala sippe tambuli preparation we have discussed earlier.Today we shall discuss regarding the preparation of chutney by using sweet pumpkin peel.This will make a nice side  dish for rice,dosa,chapati,idly,roti etc

Required ingredients

Sweet pumpkin peel:1 cup
Coriander seeds;2 tsp
Red chilly:1
Grated coconut:1 cup
Salt:to taste
Tamarind:a pinch
For tempering-Oil;1 tsp
              mustard seeds;1/2 tsp
Broken red chilly:1
Curry leaves;1 twig

How to prepare chutney

Wash and finely chop sweet pumpkin peel.Cook it with coriander seeds,salt by adding little water.
When it becomes soft put off the fire and allow it to cool.
Fry red chilly with little oil till it becomes crispy.
Grind cooked peel,fried chilly,tamarind and grated coconut in to smooth paste by adding little water.
Transfer them to serving bowl.Heat oil in a pan.Add mustard seeds,broken red chilly .When they start spluttering add curry leaves and pour it over the chutney.

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